Idea to $5,000/mo in Recurring Revenue in 5 Months

June 27, 2023

Baremetrics has grown faster than anything I've ever built before, both from a user/usage standpoint and (most importantly) from a revenue stand point. I

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What I’ve Learned Building a SaaS App for Stripe Users

June 27, 2023

What's it like building business on top of Stripe? What are the pros and cons? Would I do this again if I started from scratch? Long term, is it viable? What if Stripe moves in to my space, does that...

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How Retargeting Gets Our SaaS $650 for $6

June 27, 2023

Retargeting is a mystical world of unicorns and fairies...clothed in a shroud of banner ads. If not used properly, you can blow through thousands of

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Inside Baremetrics: March 2014

June 27, 2023

March was a busy month on the product side of things. We added multiple new metrics and some really big features, which ultimately led to pretty great

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New Feature: Data Exporting

June 27, 2023

This week turned out to be much more exciting than initially planned, as far as features go. Notifications, Revenue Churn, Refunds and now another

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New Metric: Refunds

June 27, 2023

This week is shaping up to be quite busy with new features! On Monday we launched Notifications, which let you stay in the loop on important business

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New Metric: Revenue Churn

June 27, 2023

Churn is one of those metrics that you hate to even think about. If only none of us had churn and our businesses just grew forever and ever. Alas, that

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New Feature: Notifications

June 27, 2023

Staying on top of what's happening with your business can be a lot of work, especially when it comes to making sure you're not missing out on revenue or

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A Look Inside Baremetrics: February 2014

June 27, 2023

Since launching our "open demo" a few weeks back, the response has been great. Tons of entrepreneurs have emailed and tweeted about how it's been so

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New Metric: Failed Charges

June 27, 2023

Failed charges are the thorn in the side of any SaaS business. You count on having relatively predictable income and then all of the sudden, a slew of

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New Feature: Live Stream

June 27, 2023

From the start, I've wanted Baremetrics to be a service that felt constantly useful. Every time you log in, I want you to be able to glean some new bit of

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See Inside Our Financials: The Baremetrics Demo

June 27, 2023

In what could prove to be the dumbest thing I've done, or one of the most useful...I've made the demo of Baremetrics our own business data. In other

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Announcing Baremetrics: Analytics for Stripe

June 27, 2023

Being able to build out your ideas is both a blessing and a curse. Generally speaking, I can bring a basic incarnation of pretty much any idea I have to life in a matter of hours, days or weeks. Most...

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