True tales of engineering scaling

June 27, 2023

We recently wrote about how freemium nearly caused our business to implode. And the core of that impending implosion were scaling issues as a result of

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How freemium nearly caused our business to implode

June 27, 2023

Three months ago, we introduced a Free plan…and it nearly brought Baremetrics to its knees. Let’s take a look at what we did, how it affected our business and how it was ultimately a failure.

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How to get startup insurance & avoid getting sued in to oblivion

June 27, 2023

The world of insurance is, seemingly, a black hole of conflicting information and sleazy salespeople who are trying to dupe you into buying something you don’t need. And between generating some good...

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Lessons learned building & managing a remote team

June 27, 2023

The cost of building a startup continues to get cheaper and cheaper, and one of the big drivers of that is the ability to build a team of people all over the world. Building a fully remote team gives...

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The Startup Guide to Finding & Measuring Product/Market Fit

June 27, 2023

One of the methods that a lot of startups look to for validation is “product/market fit”, and in this article we’ll take a look at what product/market fit is, how to find out if you have...

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How to use customer feedback to drive your business

June 27, 2023

While customer feedback is crucial to your startup, it’s also something most founders have a love/hate relationship with. How do you decide if feedback is valuable or not? How do you keep complaints...

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Maker to Manager: What a startup founder does

June 27, 2023

I’ve struggled with what exactly it is that I do here. I’ve hired people who are each exponentially better at their craft than I ever could hope to be. So where does that leave me? I rarely make...

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How to Deal with Competition (or Not)

June 27, 2023

As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest sources of stress you have with your startup is likely your competition. It’s easy to become really paranoid about each move they make, each feature they launch...

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3 things we did to reduce churn by 68%

June 27, 2023

If recurring revenue is a rainbow leading to a pot of gold, then churn is the dirty leprechaun trying to keep it all from you. I’ve written before about how to reduce churn in SaaS, so I won’t rehash...

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Build vs. Buy: How to blow $100,000 saving money

June 27, 2023

Historically businesses and startups are really tightlipped. Everything is a trade secret. Everyone is constantly wondering what their competitors are doing and if they’ll suddenly get crushed by...

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The Open Startups Initiative

June 27, 2023

Historically businesses and startups are really tightlipped. Everything is a trade secret. Everyone is constantly wondering what their competitors are doing and if they’ll suddenly get crushed by...

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How to organize the daily chaos of running a startup

June 27, 2023

As a Founder, you’ve got your hand in everything imaginable, from legal paperwork to hiring to product management to support and everything in between. You’re pulled in every direction from everyone...

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The Startup Guide to 1-on-1’s

June 27, 2023

If there’s one thing I’ve found to be true over the past year and half of building this company, it’s that I’m completely winging it. Sure, I’ve read articles and books on how to build a company, but...

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The 17 emails we send to engage customers, reduce churn & increase revenue

June 27, 2023

From the start of Baremetrics I’ve wanted to stay away from being a faceless company. Given we’re a B2B company, that’s relatively easy. We’re not dealing with 10,000 or 100,000 customers here, so...

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Why we spent $250,000 in 120 days (and the mistakes we made)

June 27, 2023

A few weeks back I wrote about our experience going from bootstrapped to funded as we raised a $500,000 round, why it was good for our business and some of the things we’ve learned along the way....

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The Fallacy of Motivation

June 27, 2023

Most days now I wake up before my alarm goes off (at 5am) and I immediately hop out of bed, excited to get the day started. But that wasn’t always the case, especially when things weren’t going...

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How to Pull Off a Startup Retreat

June 27, 2023

In mid-January we did our first retreat as a team. Since we’re completely remote, this was the first time most of our team had met and worked with each other face-to-face. I’ll take you through how...

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How we grew from $0 to $25,000/month in 12 months

June 27, 2023

One year after Baremetrics was launched, we hit $25,000 in monthly recurring revenue. I’ve tried a lot of things to grow the company over the past year. A few things have worked well. A lot of things...

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How I hired a team of 6 without having a clue what I was doing

June 27, 2023

Last week I wrote about our experience going from bootstrapped to funded, why it was good for our business and some of the things we’ve learned along the way. I mentioned there were some big shifts...

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Bootstrapped to Funded: What’s it like? Was it worth it? Should you do it?

June 27, 2023

What’s it like going from a decade of bootstrapping to running a funded business? And what’s it like _transitioning_ a business that started out bootstrapped to having a pile of cash at my disposal?...

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New Feature: Multi-Currency Support

June 27, 2023

Since launching over a year ago, we’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of businesses all around the globe. Many of them accept payments in multiple currencies, and today I’m excited to...

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Inside Baremetrics: November 2014 – $25k MRR, 11% growth & stabilized churn

June 27, 2023

Sweet baby rabbits it’s been a long time since I’ve written one of these. Four whole months. Way. Too. Long. At any rate, here we are and my how things have changed since our last Inside Baremetrics.

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The Startup Guide to Hiring a Remote Customer Support Rep

June 27, 2023

We recently hired someone to head up Customer Support. It took 3 months, 808 applications and 18 interviews before we found a solid fit. Who knew hiring for customer support would be so tedious?!?! I...

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How to have an overnight success in 10 short years

June 27, 2023

“Overnight success” is a phrase people love to throw around. It’s the pipe dream every inexperienced entrepreneur hopes for and thinks will come to them. That same phrase has been tacked on to the...

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How we scored for $616

June 27, 2023

A couple of weeks ago, after 11 months of work, I finally snagged for an entirely reasonable $616. Here’s how that played out.

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