New Feature: Live Stream

Josh Pigford on February 19, 2014

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From the start, I’ve wanted Baremetrics to be a service that felt constantly useful. Every time you log in, I want you to be able to glean some new bit of info or gain some new tool for the proverbial toolbox.

Today is a step towards making that a reality with the launch of the Live Stream.

The Live Stream gives you a, wait for it, “live stream” of activity related to your business.

Initially this includes new signups, charges, cancellations, upgrades, downgrades and failed charges.

The Dashboard now becomes something you can leave open all day and glance at occasionally to spot trends.

Things like failed charges or cancellations become more obvious and allow you to dig deeper to see what’s going on and what you can do about it. Or seeing a stream of high-dollar charges can be a confidence boost you need for the day.

In addition, you’ll notice there are some small business insight nuggets in the stream. For instance, if someone subscribes to a plan, you’ll see the LTV of that new subscriber. Or if someone downgrades, you’ll see how much MRR was lost with that transaction.

This feature is definitely still in its infancy (as noted by the “Super Beta” label), so your feedback is absolutely welcome and appreciated.

You can see our own Live Stream in the Baremetrics demo, which uses our actual financial data.

Josh Pigford