Josh Pigford

MRR: How to Calculate Monthly Recurring Revenue

Recurring revenue is the lifeblood of any SaaS. It’s what makes building a SaaS business so appealing. You don’t have to worry about one-off sales...

Customer Success

Customer success is the area of your business focused on fulfilling customer’s needs by providing them with the support they require to use your...

Setting Up Social Media

Social Media can be one of the best ways to grow your business, but also a great way to waste a lot of time with little reward. We’re going to show...

Setting up Customer Support in a start-up

I find it surprising how often entrepreneurial types come up with an excellent idea, build an MVP and then completely forget that they will need to...

How to create a marketing budget for your startup

One of the biggest challenges that startup companies face is the marketing process: how to market, where to market, and what to spend are puzzles...

3 places to find customers for your business

Ah, customers. They’re the lifeblood of your business. They want you to solve their biggest business pain, and if you really listen, they’ll tell you...

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a metric that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving their key business objectives.

Social Media Automation

We’ve previously covered how important social media is for startups. Being on social is a great way to share your brand and company story, interact...

Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of attracting prospective customers to your business with the intent of eventually converting them to paid customers.

SaaS Business Ideas

If you’re contemplating starting a business, there’s a good chance you’ve considered starting it in the SaaS space. As consumers, we’re familiar with...

Perfect Pricing: Benchmarks and Best Practices for Setting Pricing Models

Setting your pricing model might be the most important decision you make on launch. Set it too high and you risk losing customers. Set it too low and...

How to Build a Startup Culture

The mention of startup culture brings to mind both sleep-deprived college students tinkering in a garage and the high-energy futuristic offices of...

Retention Rate

Retention Rate measures the proportion of customers you’ve retained over a specific time period. It’s a metric that’s indicative of your user’s...

How to Value A SaaS Business

When it comes time to part ways with your business, you may look to sell it to someone else. One of the first questions that comes to mind is “how...

Getting your legal ducks in a row

Lawyers. Wait, don’t stop reading yet! The legal stuff seems opaque and boring, but it’s make or break for your company. Avoiding legal troubles when...

Burn Rate

Burn Rate measures how quickly your cash holdings are decreasing. Gross Burn Rate is the total amount of cash you’ve spent each month. Net Burn Rate...

Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on creating consistent, relevant online material valuable to your target...

Average Contract Length (ACL)

Average Contract Length (ACL) is the average duration of all signed customer contracts. Most SaaS products are biased towards monthly plans....

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Have a great idea for a SaaS business? Before you quit your day job, you’ll want to be sure the idea will make money. The first thing you need to do...

Product Market Fit

It’s been said that the only thing that matters in a startup is achieving Product Market Fit. So what is it exactly? And how do you know when you’ve...

Gross Margin

Gross Margin is the revenue left over after subtracting the cost of goods sold. Expressed as a percentage of total revenue, the amount of money you...

Cost of Goods Sold (COGs)

Cost of Goods Sold (COGs) refers to the direct costs of producing and delivering the products you sell. For a business selling physical products...

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

A Service Level Agreement (or SLA) is the minimal level of service agreed on between a company and their customer in their contract. The level of...

What Is Annual Contract Value (ACV) And How Should You Use It?

Modern businesses have access to so many metrics. This is especially true with SaaS, where the entire customer experience happens online.