Josh Pigford


For a lot of folks, selling doesn’t come naturally. This can be especially tricky for technical founders. We’re going to show you so easy ways to...

Setting Goals

Goals! Knowing what your MRR is, but setting realistic goals and taking steps to meet them is another. We’re going to show you how to do just that!

Stop chasing the competition

It seems every week there’s some new tool to “monitor the competition”. But here’s a little secret for you: the competition doesn’t matter. If...

13 actionable tips for reducing churn & retaining customers

Churn. The archenemy of any subscription company. No metric causes more sleepless nights or thinning hair. It’s the slow leak that regardless of how...

Bulletproof system for getting new customers

Getting new customers can feel like some sort of level 10 black magic. There seems to be no clearcut way to just identify the people who want your...

Stop trying to attain the perfect product

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late. – Reid Hoffman That Reid Hoffman quote…money. It...

Don’t wait to delegate

Most founders are some form of a jack-of-all-trades. With Baremetrics, for the first six months I did 100% of the work: UI design, marketing...

Charge from Day One

You’ve undoubtably read a slew of articles on how to validate your business or product. Unfortunately…all of those methods are bogus. There is...

Slaying the Churn Beast

Churn. The archenemy of any SaaS company. No metric causes more sleepless nights and receding hairlines. It’s the slow leak that regardless of how...