Revenue vs. Profit

June 27, 2023

When discussing the financial metrics for a SaaS company, revenue vs. profit is among the most common comparisons encountered. This is because these two In this article, you will find discussions on...

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Matching and Revenue Recognition Principles

June 27, 2023

While companies are a bit more free to perform bookkeeping according to their own needs, accounting is a very organized and rigid discipline. While that We are going to look at two of those...

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Earned and Incurred Accounting: What’s the difference?

June 27, 2023

Wondering the difference between incurred vs. earned accounting? No problem. Read our blog to dive into the definitions of incurred and earned accounting.

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Everything You Need to Know About ARR

June 27, 2023

The advent of cloud-based SaaS offerings has revolutionized the way of doing business. Gone are the days where software used to be purchased based on a This post is about Annual Recurring Revenue...

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What Is Owner’s Equity in SaaS?

June 27, 2023

Few business owners are as passionate about what they do as those of SaaS companies. Baremetrics has supported hundreds of SMEs with comprehensive Your owner’s equity is an important metric that...

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LTV: Why You’re Measuring LTV Wrong

June 27, 2023

If your company only tracks one metric, the one that should top the list is LTV (Lifetime Value). You are probably already tracking many KPIs, but the oneAre you measuring LTV wrong? No worries. In...

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Is Deferred Revenue a Liability?

June 27, 2023

Yes. Yes, it is. But, if you want to know why, you might need to read a bit more of this article — this article will dive into what are liabilities, what For a SaaS business founder, it is crucial to...

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What Is Podcast Marketing?

June 27, 2023

Podcast marketing is the act of marketing yourself, the products you sell, or your services by creating and distributing unique audio content.Free content If you have a business to promote, podcasts...

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What Is Bootstrapping a Business?

June 27, 2023

When it was first coined, “bootstrapping” described the impossible task of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps”. Now, we use bootstrapping to describe When you are bootstrapping your company, you...

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Cash Accounting

June 27, 2023

In its simplest form, cash accounting is a system in which a company records expenses and revenues as the money changes hands. When your client Cash accounting can be a great way to make sure your...

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Understanding Subscription Revenue

June 27, 2023

What is subscription revenue? Great question. Learn the answer in the Baremetrics blog where you'll read about subscription pricing models and more.

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Cash Flow Statements for SaaS: Examples and Solutions

June 27, 2023

The cash flow statement, also known as the statement of cash flows, is one of three main financial statements every company needs, along with the balance It's important to know how to make a cash...

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Customer feedback: What you need to get from your customers

June 27, 2023

Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, getting in touch with your customers is critical. Customer feedback helps businesses identify problems A comprehensive guide on why customer feedback...

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Net Revenue Vs. Operating Income

June 27, 2023

Any online firm or business must deal with a large volume of complex data. Managing this data manually, however, results in erroneous results, Net revenue and operating income indicates how much your...

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Best Invoicing Procedures: How to Handle Invoices for Small Businesses

June 27, 2023

Although invoicing and billing are processes where a seller issues sales documents to a buyer when compared against each other, the significant difference Read about the best invoicing procedures and...

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Customer Attrition: How to Measure It and Prevent It

June 27, 2023

Customer attrition is the term used to describe the loss of paying customers from a business. Customer attrition is also called customer churn and is Customer attrition is the term used to describe...

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Reactivating Subscriptions: Resuming Metrics for your Subscriptions

June 27, 2023

What does it mean to reactivate a subscription? There are several reasons a customer would cancel their subscription. It could be that the customer got no Before thinking about reactivating...

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Bookkeeping for Your SaaS Business

June 27, 2023

A bookkeeper is responsible for keeping accurate and up-to-date information on the financial health of your business. Although bookkeepers and accountants Unlock your full potential of bookkeeping...

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