Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on creating consistent, relevant online material valuable to your target...

Average Contract Length (ACL)

Average Contract Length (ACL) is the average duration of all signed customer contracts. Most SaaS products are biased towards monthly plans....

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Have a great idea for a SaaS business? Before you quit your day job, you’ll want to be sure the idea will make money. The first thing you need to do...

Product Market Fit

It’s been said that the only thing that matters in a startup is achieving Product Market Fit. So what is it exactly? And how do you know when you’ve...

Gross Margin

Gross Margin is the revenue left over after subtracting the cost of goods sold. Expressed as a percentage of total revenue, the amount of money you...

Cost of Goods Sold (COGs)

Cost of Goods Sold (COGs) refers to the direct costs of producing and delivering the products you sell. For a business selling physical products...

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

A Service Level Agreement (or SLA) is the minimal level of service agreed on between a company and their customer in their contract. The level of...

What Is Annual Contract Value (ACV) And How Should You Use It?

Modern businesses have access to so many metrics. This is especially true with SaaS, where the entire customer experience happens online.

Deferred Revenue

Deferred revenue is cash that you’ve already collected, but revenue that hasn’t been recognized yet.

SaaS Billings: A Guide to Understanding Cash and Profitability in 2022

SaaS revenue is a complex topic that warrants your attention regardless of where you are in your startup’s lifecycle.


Hire slowly, fire fast When you’re working at a startup, the cost of an under performer is enormous. Besides their sub-par work, and your personal...

Freemium business model

Freemium is a pricing model that allows customers to use a limited version of your product for free, in the hope that they will see value in...

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

It’s a simple rule of business that you want to make more money than you spend. It follows that it’s important to know how much money you’re spending.

What is Net Promoter Score?

NPS (or Net Promoter Score) is a powerful metric that helps measure and predict customer loyalty. It was created in 2003 by management consultant...

How to Improve Your Net Promoter Score

If you’re measuring your NPS, you’ll probably want to be improving it too. There’s no real trick to it – to improve customer loyalty, you’ll need to...

Questions to ask when interviewing for a remote position

As a 100% remote team, we’ve had to become great at interviewing and hiring remote candidates. There are an enormous number of people who think...

Unlimited Vacation Time

The benefits of a flexible vacation policy mean that more companies are expanding their perks to include it. Is it something that could work for you?...

CAC Payback Period

Nothing in business is free, right? So, it’s safe to say that when it comes to acquiring customers, you may need to pay in order to convince them to...

SaaS Quick Ratio

The Quick Ratio of a SaaS company is the measurement of its growth efficiency. How reliable can a company grow revenue given its current churn rate?...

Daily Active User (DAU)

Daily Active Users, or “DAU”, is a term used for the total number of people who open and engage with a mobile app or web product in a given day.

6 mistakes companies make when calculating MRR

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), while theoretically a simple metric to calculate, does have some intricacies and edge cases that can trip...

MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)

Monthly Recurring Revenue, commonly abbreviated as “MRR” is all of your recurring revenue normalized into a monthly amount. It’s a metric usually...

Failed Payments

Failed charges are low hanging fruit for most subscription companies. The average early stage subscription startup is losing over $1500 per...

Startup Insurance

Ah insurance. You’re on the edge of your seat already aren’t you? It may not be fun, and it’s about as exciting as watching grass grow, but having...