Haley Sheldon

SaaS revenue recognition

We’ll spare you the thrilling explanation of revenue recognition that you’ll find in the Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) – the authority on...


A cohort is a group of users defined by a common and specific characteristic.

Cash flow

Cash flow (or liquidity) is the amount of cash flowing in and out of your business. This may seem like a no-brainer but, ultimately you want a...

Signs it’s time to hire (and when to hold off)

Most likely, your company started out small. Perhaps it was even a team of one: you. But there comes a time when you need to grow. It’s exciting!...

How to crush goals in a SaaS business

SaaS companies are based on recurring revenue, usually per month or per quarter, and so we place heavy focus on both gaining new business and...

​​How to stay lean and customer-centric when developing your product

You’ve got an idea for a subscription-based product. You know how you want it to look and feel, you know the flow of the platform, and you’re ready...

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Click (CPC) is the exact price you pay for every individual click you receive on your paid marketing campaigns. CPC is often used as a key...

How Churn Prediction Can Improve Your Business

60-70%. According to Marketing Metrics, that’s the probability of selling to an existing customer. The probability of selling to a brand-new...

Content Marketing

Whether you love it or hate it, if you invest in marketing your business then you are investing in content marketing. Consider this:

How To Hack Your Start Up Growth By Buying A Business

As a business owner, I bet you would do anything to get past those initial growth years and into a solid groove, right? Just picture the feeling of...

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a technique that allows brands to capture the attention of their audience and generate leads and customers for a business by...

How to determine market size for a product

One of the most important things to know before you even think about turning an idea into a product, is the size of the market you’re going to be...

Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

A Chief Technical Officer (CTO) helps bridge the gap between C-level executive decision-making and technical knowledge of the product, systems, and...

Recurring vs. Non-Recurring Revenue

Recurring revenue is the backbone of SaaS and subscription-based companies. At these companies, customers purchase a service on a consistent basis,...

4 ways to be productive while working remotely

Here at Baremetrics, we boast an entirely remote team…but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy or entirely productive, so we understand how hard it can...

Total Contract Value (TCV)

Total Contract Value is the total value of a contract including fees and recurring revenue for the period defined by the contract. Here’s how you...

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

The chief financial officer (CFO) is responsible for keeping, analyzing, and reporting on all money-related matters for a business. The CFO is also a...

Types of customer feedback

Whether you loathe it or love it, customer feedback can help create a better customer profile and lead to strategies that are conducive to better...

Choosing the right business academy in a digital age

Entrepreneurship does not come with a user manual. Success in business is not a paved road with clear signs, road maps, or a buddy riding shotgun who...

Bootstrapping vs. Funding: Which is better for your company?

The question asked by most founders when it comes to funding a startup is… Should I bootstrap it? Or fund it with a venture capital company? This is...

Company Growth Rate

According to Paul Graham, VC and co-founder of Y-combinator, if there is one metric every founder should know, it is the company growth rate. The...

The Key Tenets of Project Management

Project management. It’s a broad term that can mean many things to many people across various industries. Every company tackles projects in their own...

Churn MRR

Churn MRR is the amount of monthly recurring revenue lost due to customer cancellations. It’s often calculated against MRR to extract a percentage...

Build vs. Buy: 5 questions to ask before deciding on custom software development

To build or not to build? That is the question (that most startups face at some point in early stages). Software is vital to the growth and...

Lead Velocity Rate (LVR)

Lead Velocity Rate is a measure of growth in qualified leads for one month versus a previous reference month. When measured from month-to-month, LVR...