What Metrics Does Baremetrics Monitor?

Layna Thompson on June 06, 2021

Table of Contents

Baremetrics monitors 26 metrics, and on top of that offers 8 data-boosting features so you can get more out of your metrics.

If you want to see these metrics in action, you should sign up for the Baremetrics free trial. Also, you can see how the Baremetrics dashboards work by going into our open demo account. Definitely check it out. 

Here is a summary of the metrics you can get out of Baremetrics, as well as the tools that run right inside the platform. What you can do with this information extends way beyond the scope of this article!

If you want to talk about applications of this information, reach out to us at hello@baremetrics.com or message us in the chat below and talk with our specialists.

Revenue Metrics

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

You can track how much revenue you’re pulling in on a monthly basis. You can segment it by customer geography, plan type, and more. You can set goals, change goals, and make notations on specific days when a new product launched. You can even see your notes directly on the graph to easily keep track of your business’s situation.

Annual Run Rate (ARR)

Annual Run Rate shows your current revenue projected out over 12 months. It assumes that nothing will change over the next year. That means it assumes you will have no new customers, no churn, and no expansions. While this situation is unlikely, the metric itself helps business owners look at the one-year term.

  • Annual Recurring Revenue = (MRR * 12)

Net Revenue 

This metric shows the actual money received on a day-by-day basis.

  • Net Revenue = Gross Volume (Recurring and Non-recurring) – Refunds

MRR Growth Rate 

This metric is simply equal to the percentage change in MRR from one month to the next. It could be calculated over any period, such as daily, weekly, and monthly yearly.

  • MRR Growth rate = (Today’s MRR / 30 days ago MRR) -1, x100 and rounded.

Other Revenue  

This metric accounts for all of the one-off charges your business receives. For example, usage charges, overages, and any payments that are not attached to a subscription. This information can be added in manually by the Baremetrics customer through the Baremetrics API.

Quick Ratio

In SaaS, the Quick Ratio expresses a basic measurement of the growth rate of a company.

The SaaS Quick Ratio is not to be confused with other kinds of “Quick Ratios” that are used in financial analysis, such as the financial analysis metric used to measure short-term liquidity of a company. 

The SaaS Quick Ratio refers to a value based on MRR growth compared to MRR churn. If your Quick Ratio is less than 1, your business is shrinking. If your Quick Ratio is between 1 and 4, you are growing at a healthy rate. If your Quick Ratio is greater than 4, you are growing rapidly.

  • Quick Ratio = (New MRR + Expansion MRR + Reactivation MRR) / (Contraction MRR + Churned MRR)

All the data your startup needs

Get deep insights into your company’s MRR, churn and other vital metrics for your SaaS business.

MRR Movements

Active Subscriptions

This metric shows how many paying customers the account has. You can also view and export your plan breakouts in this part of your dashboard for more information on how many customers are on what plans.

New Subscriptions

This shows how many new subscribers you have within a date range, or by day or week. You can also see which are the most frequent days of the week that people are signing up for new accounts. You should use those days for when you send out targeted email campaigns!

Plan Quantities 

This comes into play if you support multiple subscriptions of a plan and have seat costs. This metric outlines how many customers you have and the quantity of the subscriptions. You can also set goals for your company directly in the dashboard on this metric’s view.


This metric shows when customers go from one paid plan to a more expensive one. This also includes when a coupon falls off and causes a customer’s price to go up. You can break it down by days or weeks, and you can set your goals directly in the platform!


This metric shows customers who have moved from one higher paid subscription to a lower priced subscription. This includes all customers who move from paying a monthly subscription to an annual one (lower cost). We have to keep in mind that a downgrade does not necessarily indicate incoming churn possibilities.

Failed Charges

This metric shows anytime your payment provider attempts a charge and it is not successful. This only covers the last 30 days. This metric shows you when you need to use Recover to get some of those missing funds back into the hands of the business. Your “at risk” table shows customers with credit cards that will expire soon.


The Refunds metric shows all of the money you’ve given back to your customers through a refund. This metric does not effect your MRR. Refunds are calculated directly into your expenses table and the date ranges show when refunds were issued.


This metric displays the amount of money you are “losing” due to coupons applied to active subscribers.

Customer Information

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

How much value (in dollar amounts) is each of your subscribers bringing? ARPU takes the total revenue and divides it by the amount of your active customers.

  • ARPU = Monthly Recurring Revenue / Active Customers

Lifetime Value (LTV)

How much do your customers make you before they churn?

  • LTV = Average Monthly Recurring Revenue Per Customer / User Churn Rate

New Customers

This metric shows the customers going from free plan, a trial, or no plan, directly to a paid plan. Think of this as “New Paying Customers.” This metric also shows you what plan they selected and if/how much a coupon is applied for.

Active Customers 

This metric shows customers who are active and actively paying. It does not include people on a free plan, trial, customers who are delinquent, or people who have paid you for a one-time purchase but not a recurring subscription.

Churned Customers

These are the customers who stopped using your companies’ services. See your lost MRR and the LTV of the customer who left here. This would be a great opportunity to reach out with either a coupon to try and win them back, or more importantly, for feedback on how you can better your service.


Reactivations are when a previous customer from a trial or a paid subscription realizes how amazing you are and comes back!


User Churn 

User Churn is a percentage showing the number of customers who left in the previous 30-day period relative to your total customer count 30 days ago.

  • User Churn = (Cancelled Customers in the last 30 days / Active Customers 30 days ago) x 100

Revenue Churn

Revenue Churn is a percentage showing the amount of MRR that has been lost in the last 30 days relative to your total MRR 30 days ago.

  • Revenue Churn = (MRR Lost to Downgrades & Cancellations in the last 30 days / MRR 30 days ago) x 100

Net Revenue Churn

Net Revenue Churn shows the lost revenue from cancellations and downgrades.

  • Net Revenue Churn = (Churned MRR – Expansion MRR) / Starting MRR 30 days ago x 100

Churned Subscriptions

This shows you the subscribers who have downgraded from one subscription to a free plan, as well as true cancelations (the people who are no longer paying you). This information will show you great opportunities to reach out and win back some clients and collect some information.

Want to Reduce Your Churn?

Over 900+ SaaS and subscription businesses use Baremetrics to measure churn, LTV and other critical business metrics that help them retain more customers.

Want to try it for yourself?

Revenue Boosting Features


Forecasting is your tool for modelling your metrics out into the future so you can get a better idea of how your metrics will look.

Trial Insights

Trial Insights allows you to monitor the behavior of customers during their trials.


Augmentation allows you to easily pipe in 3rd party data about your customers so you can amplify your customer’s profiles on Baremetrics.


Benchmarks is a tool that lets you compare your metrics with other companies of your size or industry directly in the Baremetrics dashboard.

People Insights

People Insights pulls information about your customers out of the internet so you can make use of deeper profiling information, such as their country, company size, LinkedIn information and more. 


Recover is an automatic dunning tool that reaches out to your customers who have failed payments, targets them with customized copy, and encourages them to update their credit card information.


Segmentation lets you look at specific segments of your customer base. For example, you can see churned customers by what plan they’re using. This helps you understand which plans are working for your customers, and which plans aren’t.

Cancellation Insights

Cancellation Insights is a tool that automatically reaches out to customers who cancel and gets them to communicate about why they cancelled. It even prompts them to sign up for a call to discuss their situation with one of your teammates.


If you want to know these metrics about your customers, you should sign up for the Baremetrics free trial! You can see everything you want to know about your customers, and even get more out of your data with our extra features

Layna Thompson