The Definitive Guide to Customer Loyalty in 2021

Jerusha Songate on March 09, 2021

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Customer loyalty is a vital part of any company’s success. Without loyal customers, companies wouldn’t be able to stay in business.

There are plenty of ways to focus on customer retention and keep people coming back.

There are even ways to make it easier for customers to tell other people about the great things your company can offer, but first, you have to give them a good customer experience.

We can help you do that, with a free 14-day trial of Baremetrics.

What Does Customer Loyalty Mean?

A loyal customer is one that shops with your company instead of the competition, even if that competition might have a better price or other perks.

If you have a loyalty program or you give customers advance notice of sales on social media, for example, that can help increase customer loyalty. You want to bring in new customers, but retailers also focus on making sure their current customers want to come back

Companies like Apple, for example, often provide their loyal customers with updates and other perks that they’ve come to expect. That increases the level of customer satisfaction and keeps existing customers returning to the company when they need something else.

A free trial of Baremetrics can help you determine how you want to structure your program for maximum customer loyalty.

What Makes a Customer Loyal to a Company?

There are a lot of things that can make a customer loyal to a particular company, and marketers look for those things so they can use them for the company’s benefit.

A good customer loyalty program is one of the ways to gain repeat customers. Amazon and many other large retailers offer programs that make customers happy to come back and do their shopping there. 

That increases the company’s bottom line and lowers the churn rate or the turnover of customers. Building a good customer base should be the main focus of any company, especially in the e-commerce sector.

From the first-time customer who may come back if they have a good experience to the customer who’s been going to the company for years, happy customers are the key to repeat business.

Want to Reduce Your Churn?

Use Baremetrics to measure churn, LTV and other critical business metrics that help retain customers. Try it for yourself with our free trial.

How Can You Increase Customer Loyalty?

Customer acquisition is the first part of customer loyalty. Getting customers in the door or onto the website to buy something is where it all starts.

Then the goal is to increase the customer lifetime value so that the customers and the company are benefiting.

A good marketing strategy can make that easier, as can referrals from current customers and a focus on retention rate. Baremetrics understands how important loyal customers are to your company, and we can help you build relationships.

A net promoter who focuses on things like NPS and punch card options for customers who visit regularly can help. So can a rewards program for free or reduced price items on subsequent visits.

At checkout, customers should have the opportunity to join a club, group, or some kind of rewards program that gives them benefits for their dedication to your brand.

That also helps the company collect customer data and look at CLV and other statistics so it can decide how well its retention strategy is working.

Getting Repeat Business is the Key to Success

Customer relationships are what matter when looking at the metrics behind a loyalty strategy.

Of course, pricing and profitability matter too, but a small business that can show customers a lot of value can see more loyalty from those customers over time.

That benefits both the company and the customer in the long run. Start a free trial today, and see what Baremetrics can do for you, so you can start building trust with your customers and keep them happy.

Jerusha Songate