Storemapper Public Dashboard: Building a $50,000 Business

Josh Pigford on August 11, 2014

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A couple of years back, Tyler Tringas spotted a need while doing freelance work building tools for Shopify merchants. Many of his clients wanted a store locator on their site to show their customers where to find the nearest location. He built an MVP and shipped it within a matter of weeks.

Two years later, after a slew of ups and downs, he’s doing nearly $5,000/mo in revenue from what started out as a quick fix for clients’ needs.

Knowing first-hand the struggles other entrepreneurs face trying to build a sustainable business, Tyler has decided to make his own Baremetrics dashboard public!

Check out the past 2 years of his journey:

Tyler and Storemapper are part of the growing movement for transparency among entrepreneurs. We’re happy to be a part of that. You can view the public revenue dashboards of 4 different startups now, with more on the way…

If you use Stripe and want easy, zero-setup, one-click analytics like what you see on Storemapper’s dashboard, check out Baremetrics. I think you’ll like it.

Josh Pigford