How we doubled our trial conversion rate with in-app messaging

June 27, 2023

For the first year and a half Baremetrics didn’t have a free trial at all. Want to try us out? Money please! 💰 Back then only a very narrow band of

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The startup guide to growing your business with Intercom

June 27, 2023

If there’s one tool we use at Baremetrics as often as Baremetrics, it’s Intercom. We use Intercom so extensively that sometimes it feels like I’m an

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How our remote team stays focused and productive

June 27, 2023

Working remotely is a huge and sometimes uncomfortable change for folks used to working 9-to-5 in an office setting. Every remote worker has their own unique set of challenges to overcome to stay...

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Beginner’s Guide to Making Product Announcement Videos

June 27, 2023

If a picture says a thousand words, then a 30 second video at 30 frames per second can literally say 900,000 words. That’s a lot of words! Follow along and learn how to make short videos to promote...

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Step-by-Step: Creating amazing GIFs to announce new features

June 27, 2023

GIFs aren’t just for cats anymore! At Baremetrics, we use GIFs to announce and explain new features on Twitter and in Intercom. Follow along and I’ll show you, start to finish, how to make them for...

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How To Fully Automate Customer Feedback

June 27, 2023

We’ve been using, Zapier and Intercom to fully automate the collection of NPS scores and comments as well as initial replies to the feedback. Doing this saves a ton of time without...

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Customer satisfaction scores are a waste of time

June 27, 2023

One of the first things I did after joining Baremetrics was get us setup with Help Scout. While working through getting it setup, I paused when I reached the satisfaction surveys, and decided not to...

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How to Be Customer Support Employee #1

June 27, 2023

So, you've landed yourself a new gig running customer support at a snazzy up-and-coming startup. Congratulations! There's a ton of content out there about building a startup, but not a ton for...

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