Hiring: Customer Support

Josh Pigford on June 09, 2014

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Everyone’s got clever names for positions within their company, so why not jump on the bandwagon, right?

We’re hiring an Agent of Awesome here at Baremetrics. In the real world this is known as “Customer Support” but since when was the land of startups the “real world,” AMIRITE?!?!

Okay, seriously though. For 7 months now I’ve been the lone shark talking to literally every single customer and answering thousands of support questions, so it’s about time someone else came on board who can do an exponentially better job than I can at helping our customers be more amazing than they already are.

So if you love helping folks run their businesses better by answering emails and phone calls, troubleshooting, responding to Twitter messages and anything else required to make them awesome, I’d love to hear from you.

The gory details…

  • This is a part-time, contract position.
  • Doesn’t matter where you live. We’re 100% remote.
  • You need to be available Monday through Friday, though hours are flexible.
  • You need to be comfortable talking to folks on the phone.

Really looking for someone who can run with this and ultimately head up support for Baremetrics. This is a vital part of our business and if you’re game, I want you to be a part of it.

Interested? Fill out this form to get the ball rolling.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Josh Pigford