6 Questions First-Time SaaS Founders Should be Asking Themselves

June 27, 2023

What do most first-time founders have in common? It has nothing to do with background, age, or business interests. Rather, it’s the mistakes they make in Most SaaS founders overlook these key areas...

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Innovating Responsibly: How to Future-proof Your SaaS Startup

June 27, 2023

This article shares key insights from our Founder Chats interview with Aran Khanna on April 5th, 2022. Listen to the full conversation here. The journey Innovation comes with social responsibility....

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7 Tips on Improving Employee Retention as a Remote-Work SaaS Business

June 27, 2023

Inspired by Founder Chats: Justin Cooke from Empire Flippers. This article shares key insights from our interview with Justin Cooke on January 6th, A key measure of business health is having...

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How to Optimize Product-Market Fit using Conjoint Analysis

June 27, 2023

Is there a version of your product that could be selling better? Unless you’ve performed extensive market testing, the answer to that question is probably Conjoint analysis is a market research tool...

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6 Tips for Running a Successful Ad Campaign as a Micro-SaaS Founder

June 27, 2023

If you’re running a micro-SaaS business by yourself, chances are you haven’t had much time or budget to spend on marketing. In fact, most founders focus Running a successful ad campaign as a...

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Testimonials and Case Studies: How to Use Customer Satisfaction as Your Greatest Marketing Asset

June 27, 2023

I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m considering making a significant purchase, the first thing I do is head to the review section.Whether it’s Happy users are your greatest marketing asset....

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The Power of Recommendation: 3 Tips on Creating an Effective Referral Program

June 27, 2023

This article shares key insights from a Make More mastermind workshop given by Thomas McKinlay in July 2021. Thomas is the Founder of Ariyh, a Referrals are an invaluable instrument in your marketing...

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The Art of Upselling: How to Charge More Without Alienating Your User Base

June 27, 2023

Nailing the ideal price point for a SaaS product is equal parts art and science. Pricing a SaaS product presents a set of challenges different to that of How can SaaS founders charge more for...

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Product vs. Product Category: The Challenges of Developing “The Next Big Thing” as a SaaS Start-Up

June 27, 2023

Every founder dreams of devising a million dollar idea. An idea that has the potential to change the whole SaaS playing field. Not just a new product; the Developing a new product category offers...

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Should your SaaS Business Invest More in Content Marketing?

June 27, 2023

Content marketing is one of the most effective methods of generating brand awareness and brand preference specifically among your ideal target audience. Content marketing is invaluable for driving...

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Backlinks and Google Penalties: 5 Tips on Avoiding Search Engine Disasters

June 27, 2023

You’ve probably heard that backlinks are a key component of successful content marketing. Used correctly, backlinks are an invaluable tool: they generate Backlinks are invaluable content marketing...

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The Seven R’s of Customer Retention

June 27, 2023

This article shares key insights from a Make More mastermind workshop given by David Ongchoco in May 2021. Prior to joining Rutter as a Growth Need to cut your churn? These seven ‘’R’’s for...

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A Guide to Resonance Marketing

June 27, 2023

The challenge of marketing is that in order to be effective, it must keep reinventing itself. Old strategies lose their punch because platforms are Resonance Marketing is the foundation of creating a...

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3 Signs Your SaaS is Ready to Go To Market

June 27, 2023

If you’re asking yourself whether your business is market-ready, you’re in great company. Determining the timing for the release of a SaaS is one of the Is your SaaS business ready to go to market?...

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The Perfect SaaS Landing page

June 27, 2023

First impressions matter.This concept applies to businesses every bit as much as it does to people. So what’s the first thing a prospect sees in relation The perfect SaaS landing page is a one-stop...

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Alternative Marketing Strategies for SaaS Businesses

June 27, 2023

The phone rings. It’s the sales rep from that new gym you’ve been checking out. Do you pick up? Or do you dismiss the call after a few rings? If you chose Alternative marketing is a marketing...

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Sales Outbound 101: The Best Tools for Startups

June 27, 2023

An effective sales outbound strategy needs to balance two opposing elements: efficiency vs. personal touch. There are dozens of templates out there for Effective Sales Outbound balances personal...

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Creating the Ideal Customer Profile as a Startup: A Step-by-Step Guide

June 27, 2023

The most sure-fire way to achieve rapid growth in your business is to make sure you’re marketing to the right people. In the early stages of founding a Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to...

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6 Tips for Hiring off Upwork

June 27, 2023

If you’re not familiar with Upwork, stop what you’re doing and read this. The online platform describes itself as a 'marketplace that connects businesses This article will cover everything you need...

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5 Tips for Handling HR as a Start-Up

June 27, 2023

As a SaaS founder, a hundred tasks are bound to occupy your mind on a daily basis. We’re willing to bet that Human Resources isn’t one of them – but Read 5 Tips for Handling HR as a Start-Up and how...

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Managing Total Expenses: A How To Guide

June 27, 2023

Business owners are constantly thinking about company finances. How do I maximize my company’s profit margin? Should I spend more on advertising or A guide on how to manage your total expenses |...

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Customer Segmentation Examples: How to do Customer Segmentation with Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

Lies, damned lies, and statistics. It’s no secret that numbers can be wildly misleading, and business metrics are no exception.Yes, metrics are absolutely Baremetrics allows you to get granular about...

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